The implementation of a project management system should only take place after all its pros and cons have been sorted out.

Many successful companies have management systems because they have the following positive aspects:

  • Help in filtering projects: those that do not fit the firm’s strategies are not taken into work and thus do not slow down the whole process.
  • Building a competent use of resources, after which the effectiveness of their use increases.
  • Reducing the likelihood of overspending is achieved by controlling all funds. If there is a plan, spending is reduced.
  • Fewer low-quality projects. This is done by controlling deadlines and all stages of work. The manager can monitor how well the subordinates are performing their duties.
  • The manager doesn’t have to do the information gathering and reporting themselves.
  • Direct contact of employees working on the project, which allows you to seek advice from colleagues in case of disputes.
  • The process of document management is simplified. The management system implies the presence of such a function, which quickly changes and updates the necessary information.
  • It is easier to work out risks and make forecasts. Thanks to the system it is possible to study possible risks in advance and calculate the outcome of the project.
  • The management systems are clear and easy to use. This is done so that any worker can understand it without gaining any knowledge.

However, there are disadvantages to management systems that must also be taken into account:

  • The high price tag of the programs, especially for companies with small efficiency. The purpose of management systems is to increase the income of the organization, but sometimes it cannot cover the investment. In addition to the program, you will have to pay for updates and enhancements.
  • Possible complication of simple projects. When an uncomplicated project is in the works, management systems are not only undesirable, but even rather harmful, because they can complicate simple tasks.
  • A lot of time is spent on planning. Manager and subordinate have to distribute responsibilities, reprioritize tasks, and replenish data. Often a lot of precious time is lost for such cases.

The disadvantages listed above are relative, because everything depends on the right choice and use of the management system.